I do three prayers a day normally: morning, evening and compline. Over time I have developed distinct and
contradictory preferences in my solitary worship. I presume they don’t
make any sense to anyone other than me and God, and the only reason I
count God is that She is all-knowing. That’s one of my
preferences, if you hadn’t guessed. I try to refer to God as neutral or
female. At times I would wonder if I was being blasphemous, but then I
read about a Saint (exactly which one I can’t remember) that was noted
for always referring to God in the feminine. If you can achieve
Sainthood and maintain that behavior, I’m not going to worry about my
little transgression.
In my humble opinion, God is really without gender, but has been
referred to in the masculine by countless millions (billions?) for so
long that I believe if I use the neutral it will not balance the
majority references, so I feel better using the female gender whenever
Other habits include referring to the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost.
It’s my understanding that until recently Ghost was preferred to
Spirit, but somewhere along the line Ghost got associated with spooks
and goblins, and the Spirit was considered less likely to be associated
with Halloween. Still I see Ghost used in my Rite 1 section of the
Book of Common Prayer, so to be contentious perhaps, I like using Ghost.
I used to have the Order of St. Helena’s Psalm Book, and they try to use neutral language at all times. Instead of:
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.
They write and say:
Glory to God, Source of all Being, Incarnate Word and Holy Spirit; as
it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.
I say the same, except I say Holy Ghost. I like the rhythm of it
better than the more traditional wording, and of course it’s gender
neutral. Another thing I enjoy doing is using different translations of
the Bible for the readings. I grew up on the King James Version, which I
believe has some of the most beautiful language of any Bible in
English, but sometimes it is a bit difficult to understand. I used
Eugene Peterson’s The Message for awhile. It has
understandable language, and it can be quite surprising and dynamic.
But I like to mix things up a bit (obviously), so have started using the
different versions authorized by the Episcopal Church. One of my
latest favorites is the Good News Version, and I even ordered a copy of
it, so I can refer to it when I don’t have access to the internet. I
love it; it reminds me of the Bibles I knew in my childhood with all the
illustrations. Some are in color and “starving artists sale” style,
and most are just sketches within the text.
Finally, I prefer the modern version of the “Our Father [Mother]” to
the traditional. My experience in worship settings seems to indicate
that I am almost alone in this. I have read a number of articles,
however, on how the modern “Save us from the time of trial” is closer to
the original text than the traditional “and lead us not into
temptation.” Recently I remembered that I must have grown up with the
modern text because I remember being puzzled by “transgressions” as
opposed to “sins,” when I started going to Episcopal church services about 25 years ago. So I feel even more comfortable using the modern
version since that realization. In fact I find myself saying “Save us
from the time of trial” at this point even when saying the traditional
“Our Father” in church.
So what’s the point of this particular blog? I guess that when we worship in isolation, we find ourselves doing
all sorts of things that we wouldn’t do within the walls of a church.
It makes me realize how people who are “spiritual, not religious” can
end up astray and self-centered, when I think God calls us to be
outward-focused. I won’t begrudge myself my idiosyncrasies, but I will
maintain my weekly church attendance: Both to be among others and also
to keep me grounded in the Episcopal liturgy, not my cockeyed
version of it.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Dressing for Protest
I am known around work for my fashion sense. I have a penchant for wild ties and socks.
Here you can see me wearing my coffee tie. I bring this subject up, because a friend who had earlier complimented me on my taste in clothing--she said I would do particularly well in Cambodia, where the people love clashing colors--recently told me she had been thinking and felt that I was actually engaging in some sort of "punk protest" by dressing the way I do.
I wasn't sure how to take that; I hadn't thought of it that way before. If anything, I thought of it as a flowering of my inner self, more willing to wear wild work clothes because I enjoyed them. When I look back at previous jobs, I worked for a long time at a business publisher, and I remember I was the only man who didn't wear a tie to work. I did that, I think, because I was an editor who rarely met authors face-to-face, and didn't feel it was necessary to wear a tie. I also didn't enjoy wearing one, so as long as I could get away without, I would go tieless. My next job was a brief stint as a teacher, and I remember the principal telling me that he wanted male teachers to wear ties and suit jackets, because he felt it was a symbol of respect for the important work they do. I didn't have a choice on what I wore, but I respected his telling me why, and I agreed with him that teaching is a very important job.
Now I come to my current job, working for Maryknoll Lay Missioners, and I find myself as the only male wearing a tie. I feel that principal influenced me in deciding to wear a tie at work, because I think what we do at Maryknoll is very important, but I would wear wild ones, because I wanted to express my new love for colorful clothing. Below, I am sharing Ethiopian food with my thoughtful friend and wearing my Starry Night tie with my favorite purple shirt.
Please note, I've received positive feedback from the people I work with for my ties and socks. Yet, I know I have a certain dislike for the corporate workplace, so perhaps my choice of ties and socks is a rebellion of sorts. In general, however, I don't think of Maryknoll as a corporate workplace. We are not motivated by making money, we are motivated to make a difference, guided by our Christian faith (let me add that all faiths are welcome to serve on staff). So while some things remain the same, there is always a different feeling about the workplace here than I experienced elsewhere.
Here above, you see me wearing my goose/duck tie while taking a lunch break with a friend and her son (pictured). So perhaps I am in constant rebellion against our money-driven society here in the U.S., where profit-making has done us more harm than good, in my oh-so-humble opinion. Most of my ties are gifts or purchased at my church's thrift shop, another way to avoid the commercial exploitation.
Perhaps my flair for clothing has gone on longer than I first thought. See above a picture of me in my struggling acting days, when I paid the rent by working at a adult movie theater selling popcorn and sodas to patrons.
And then there was that tux I wore at my senior prom. Whatever my motivation, I plan to continue wearing those ties and socks.
I almost forgot, I found a tie much to my taste this morning, abandoned, hanging from a doorknob. I guess God wants me to keep wearing these ties as well.
Here you can see me wearing my coffee tie. I bring this subject up, because a friend who had earlier complimented me on my taste in clothing--she said I would do particularly well in Cambodia, where the people love clashing colors--recently told me she had been thinking and felt that I was actually engaging in some sort of "punk protest" by dressing the way I do.
I wasn't sure how to take that; I hadn't thought of it that way before. If anything, I thought of it as a flowering of my inner self, more willing to wear wild work clothes because I enjoyed them. When I look back at previous jobs, I worked for a long time at a business publisher, and I remember I was the only man who didn't wear a tie to work. I did that, I think, because I was an editor who rarely met authors face-to-face, and didn't feel it was necessary to wear a tie. I also didn't enjoy wearing one, so as long as I could get away without, I would go tieless. My next job was a brief stint as a teacher, and I remember the principal telling me that he wanted male teachers to wear ties and suit jackets, because he felt it was a symbol of respect for the important work they do. I didn't have a choice on what I wore, but I respected his telling me why, and I agreed with him that teaching is a very important job.
Now I come to my current job, working for Maryknoll Lay Missioners, and I find myself as the only male wearing a tie. I feel that principal influenced me in deciding to wear a tie at work, because I think what we do at Maryknoll is very important, but I would wear wild ones, because I wanted to express my new love for colorful clothing. Below, I am sharing Ethiopian food with my thoughtful friend and wearing my Starry Night tie with my favorite purple shirt.
Please note, I've received positive feedback from the people I work with for my ties and socks. Yet, I know I have a certain dislike for the corporate workplace, so perhaps my choice of ties and socks is a rebellion of sorts. In general, however, I don't think of Maryknoll as a corporate workplace. We are not motivated by making money, we are motivated to make a difference, guided by our Christian faith (let me add that all faiths are welcome to serve on staff). So while some things remain the same, there is always a different feeling about the workplace here than I experienced elsewhere.
Here above, you see me wearing my goose/duck tie while taking a lunch break with a friend and her son (pictured). So perhaps I am in constant rebellion against our money-driven society here in the U.S., where profit-making has done us more harm than good, in my oh-so-humble opinion. Most of my ties are gifts or purchased at my church's thrift shop, another way to avoid the commercial exploitation.
Perhaps my flair for clothing has gone on longer than I first thought. See above a picture of me in my struggling acting days, when I paid the rent by working at a adult movie theater selling popcorn and sodas to patrons.
And then there was that tux I wore at my senior prom. Whatever my motivation, I plan to continue wearing those ties and socks.
I almost forgot, I found a tie much to my taste this morning, abandoned, hanging from a doorknob. I guess God wants me to keep wearing these ties as well.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Embrace Every Glowing Soul
My first job in New York City was as a waiter for a diner on Wall Street. My main duty was taking outgoing orders for the breakfast rush. People would stand in line, tell me what they wanted, and I would prepare their coffee and call out orders to the kitchen, “Two eggs, scrambled, with bacon on a roll!” Then I would take their money and hand them their order in a paper bag.
I would see the same people every day, and I would have a chance to chat with them while waiting for their order to be filled. We became friends over time. One of these friends sold me tickets to a party on a cruise around Manhattan. I had only been in New York a few months, so the idea of partying while watching the City pass by appealed to me.
Over the course of the next few days, however, a number of my white coworkers came up to me to tell me that I should not go to this party, because everyone there would be black, and I would be in some sort of danger as the only white person there. I shook off the first couple of people, thinking they must be putting me on. Why would my friend sell me tickets if this were true? But as person after person came up to me with the same message, I became concerned.
I first came to New York when I was 25 years old. I had been living in a rural area north of Seattle, where my interactions with black people were few (there was one black person in my high school, whom I didn’t know personally). In college, I met more types of people, but I had never before been in the absolute minority of a large group. Being new to New York and big city life, I wasn’t sure if these very serious white people knew something I didn’t. I decided to ask Nancy, a black waitress who was going on the cruise, if I really had anything to worry about. She looked at me with disappointment and said, “Richard, I thought you were different.” I was ashamed and embarrassed. She assured me that I had nothing to worry about.
I told my date that most of the guests would be black, and she decided not to come because she felt uncomfortable. She did encourage me to go on my own, however. The night of the cruise, I ran into Nancy, whose date also had not come. We spent the whole cruise together. We sat on the deck watching the City go by, we danced, and we found the woman who had sold us the tickets. She had set up a table for her group with free food and drinks. Who could ask for more? I had a wonderful time on the cruise.
As I look back on this incident, I am still embarrassed, and I regret that I asked Nancy about my safety, but I think I can forgive myself. I believe our society and our history has encouraged the separation of, and suspicion between, people of different races. We have gone to extreme lengths to split people apart: Indian reservations, Japanese internment camps, and white-only drinking fountains, business establishments, schools and seating on buses.
I recall a passage from Genesis, where Joseph has invited his brothers to a banquet. The author makes a point of describing the seating arrangements:
“So they served Joseph at one table, his brothers at another table, and the Egyptians who ate with him at another table. This was because Egyptians did not like Hebrews and never ate with them.” Genesis 43:32 (NCV)
As I look at that scripture now, my reaction is: Those poor Egyptians, they really missed out on a good time! Think of all the interesting stories Joseph and his brothers could have told them, but they cut themselves off from what could have been a lovely party. Just as I almost cut myself off, because I was afraid that black people wouldn’t like having me at their party.
But what I’m talking about here is, of course, more serious than that. In the end, I think we really are cutting ourselves off from better, richer lives by separating ourselves. When I became active in the Episcopal Church, I joined the Diocesan Anti-Racism Committee. We meet monthly to plan activities, such as Anti-Racism training, the annual Jonathan Daniels pilgrimage and the Absalom Jones Celebration. We always share a meal, and the stories I’ve heard and the times we’ve spent together have definitely enriched my life.
Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees (and even by his own disciples) for the people he associated with, but he knew we are all children of God. Ignorance is a big factor in the rising tensions between different racial, religious and cultural groups in our country. It is much harder to hate people after you’ve broken bread with them.
In Anything We Love Can Be Saved, Alice Walker wrote: “Our last five minutes on earth are running out. We can spend those moments in meanness, exclusivity, and self-righteous disparagement of those who are different from us, or we can spend them consciously embracing every glowing soul who wanders within our reach.” I plan on embracing as many of those glowing souls as I can in the time I have left.
Friday, July 21, 2017
We Are Called
“We are called to
love tenderly.
We are called to
serve one another, to walk humbly with God.”—We Are Called, hymn by
David Haas.
view of mission was initially shaped by stories of missionaries such as William
Duncan and Marcus Whitman: The white man carrying his Bible into the
wilderness, bringing salvation through the Word of God. I was very cynical about
this type of mission.
I have worked for the Maryknoll Lay Missioners (MKLM), my view of mission has
improved considerably. The organization
sends Catholic lay people—single adults, couples, and families with young
children—to serve in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Each year, MKLM
missioners who have finished their first three-and-a-half-year contract return
to our headquarters to reflect on their experiences before either renewing
their contract or leaving MKLM.
me, the best part of this process is hearing their stories of mission. One missioner, Kim Fischer, who is serving in
Brazil with her husband and three children, spoke about how they struggled to
find mission work that really fit with their skills and abilities and was
meaningful. A Maryknoll priest in Brazil
told her that it was not so important what they did in mission, but rather
how they acted in all areas of their life: both there in their mission
work and in their private life. The
example they are to others, the relationships they build with the people they
serve; that is what really matters in mission work. Kim felt this advice had a
profound impact on her, and it has helped direct her mission life.
member of this class, Richard Ross, who served in Tanzania, said he was
frustrated in his attempts to learn the Kiswahili language. He shared his feelings with another
missioner, Erik Cambier, who had served in Tanzania years before. Erik told him that he still could make an
effective contribution in mission even if he never became fluent in Kiswahili.
He said, “You possess the most powerful language of them all. You have the
language of love, and that, my friend, overrides everything else.”
spent his entire mission at one location: The Lubango Center in Nyashana. His
job title was Maryknoll Lay Missioner Advisor, and he shared his job
description with me. He had a lot of duties—but perhaps his two most important
duties were to welcome students to the Center and to be a “blessing” for those who
came to the Center. He told us he joined
MKLM because he wanted to spend as much time as possible playing with children.
This did not seem like much of a mission, but he showed a video of his farewell
from the Center. The children lifted him up and carried him like a baseball
player who has hit the winning home run.
asked Erik why he felt Richard had such an impact, and he explained that in
Tanzanian culture, childcare is seen as strictly women’s work. Men have little or nothing to do with their
children after they’re born. Richard treated the children of the Center with
love and attention, which made Richard a very special man indeed. Perhaps his
example will affect the behavior of the male children he worked with when they
grow older. Spreading God’s love is what mission is all about.
Fuquay, a missioner I have known for many years, tells a story I find
particularly memorable. She is a
veterinarian, and she worked with men and women in the border region of Peru
and Bolivia. They were raising llamas and alpacas to supplement their incomes.
She would hold regular gatherings where they would share their experiences and
give each other advice on how to deal with problems that arose. Janice spoke of
how eager she was to read their evaluations at the end of the sessions, looking
forward to finding out how successful they were at raising the animals and how
much more money they made. What she found, instead, were testimonies about how
much better they felt about themselves as persons. One woman spoke of how her husband had grown
to value her opinions and was proud of her accomplishments. Another man wrote of how people turned to him
for the first time as a source of knowledge and wisdom. “Of course,” Janice
thought, “That’s what it was all about! It’s not about raising more llamas and
alpacas; it’s about making them feel better about themselves and each other.”
Janice showed them that they were people who had knowledge and abilities to
share. How she behaved toward them would have greater long-term impact on their
lives than their success or failure at animal husbandry.
Book of Common Prayer
in the General Thanksgiving, spoken at Morning and Evening Prayer, includes the
following, “We pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies, that with truly
thankful hearts we may show forth your praise, not only with our lips, but in
our lives, by giving up ourselves to your service. . .” Some missioners I know
are doctors, lawyers, and engineers who provide desperately needed health care,
who help with uncaring justice systems, and who build wells to bring fresh
water. Yet Christ calls all of us to mission, no matter what talents we possess.
You can’t always change people’s lives, but what you can do is be present with
them, share God’s love and accompany them on their journey. That is mission,
Originally published in the Episcopal New Yorker.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Trinity Exemplified
Hang on, folks, we're going on a ride here. Keep
your hands inside the car.
For most of my life, I never felt God was communicating with me. I would meditate, pray, and hope I would feel some sort of energy pass through me in a recognizably Godlike way, but generally felt nothing. It has been only recently that I've thought that God may really be trying to guide me. See post entitled "God speaks in mysterious ways." Maybe it's just knowing what to look for, or being more sensitive to the possibility (or maybe I'm just fooling myself), but I have felt in the last year that God has been speaking to me in a way that I'm able to interpret. Case in point:
I was sitting outside the Walsh building during lunch recently, reading The Divine Dance, a beautiful book on the Trinity by Fr. Richard Rohr. Rohr describes the Trinity as a Divine Dance between the three manifestations of God and ourselves. I was engrossed in reading throughout my lunch hour.
I got up to return to the office when I suddenly saw a little house sparrow chasing one of those ubiquitous, tiny white moths. I was mesmerized by the action: The moth gave the sparrow quite a chase, and suddenly another little sparrow joined in. Finally, they chased the moth into a bush, where a third little sparrow was waiting. Suddenly the moth was gone. I don't know which sparrow got it, but one (or all) apparently did.
I had just been reading in The Divine Dance about how you can begin to understand the three phases of God and the interaction between them and us by sitting and contemplating nature. You find God and understanding in that plant, tree, sky ... or whatever is in view. So did I just witness the Holy Trinity in those three little sparrows in their dance with that poor little moth?
And who does the moth represent? Normally, I think of communion as a way of taking God inside me and then becoming filled with the Holy Spirit. Could God also consume me and unite with me that way? Was I the moth?
A chill runs down my spine.
For most of my life, I never felt God was communicating with me. I would meditate, pray, and hope I would feel some sort of energy pass through me in a recognizably Godlike way, but generally felt nothing. It has been only recently that I've thought that God may really be trying to guide me. See post entitled "God speaks in mysterious ways." Maybe it's just knowing what to look for, or being more sensitive to the possibility (or maybe I'm just fooling myself), but I have felt in the last year that God has been speaking to me in a way that I'm able to interpret. Case in point:
I was sitting outside the Walsh building during lunch recently, reading The Divine Dance, a beautiful book on the Trinity by Fr. Richard Rohr. Rohr describes the Trinity as a Divine Dance between the three manifestations of God and ourselves. I was engrossed in reading throughout my lunch hour.
I got up to return to the office when I suddenly saw a little house sparrow chasing one of those ubiquitous, tiny white moths. I was mesmerized by the action: The moth gave the sparrow quite a chase, and suddenly another little sparrow joined in. Finally, they chased the moth into a bush, where a third little sparrow was waiting. Suddenly the moth was gone. I don't know which sparrow got it, but one (or all) apparently did.
I had just been reading in The Divine Dance about how you can begin to understand the three phases of God and the interaction between them and us by sitting and contemplating nature. You find God and understanding in that plant, tree, sky ... or whatever is in view. So did I just witness the Holy Trinity in those three little sparrows in their dance with that poor little moth?
And who does the moth represent? Normally, I think of communion as a way of taking God inside me and then becoming filled with the Holy Spirit. Could God also consume me and unite with me that way? Was I the moth?
A chill runs down my spine.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
God Speaks in Mysterious Ways
I listened to the interview and All Saints sermon of an Episcopal priest on Day
One, a podcast site that has interviews and sermons by mainline
Protestant preachers. I was particularly impressed by her suggestion
that when eating out that you tell the waitperson you are
going to bless your meal and ask what Blessing they would
like you to offer them. She said the stories you hear are incredible
and inspiring. I thought to myself, perhaps that is something I can do,
if I'm not too shy. It is something I would like to do.
The following morning, I took the train to work, and, as usual, I was doing Morning Prayer with my Book of Common Prayer in hand. A gentleman came and sat next to me, and looking at me, said, "Ah the daily bread ... would you like to share the daily bread?" I wasn't certain what he wanted, and then he said, "The Living bread". I understood what he meant by the bread, but I still wasn't sure what he wanted. Did he want me to read from the scriptures? So I just said, "Ahh, yes," and went back to my praying. He pulled out a book of his own and read. When I finished my prayers, I still had time on the train, so I pulled out another book I had just started--Escape Routes by Johann Christoph Arnold. A friend had sent me (and others) the book, and it seemed relevant to my condition right now, so I have been reading it. As I was sitting there in silence, I read the following: "...life's deepest fulfillment comes from valuing every human encounter, and showing love to everyone we meet, especially if they are lonely, despairing, or beaten down. What excuse can there be for not conquering our shyness in loving? ... As the novelist Alice Walker writes, 'Our last five minutes on earth are running out. We can spend those moments in meanness ... or we can spend them consciously embracing every glowing soul who wanders within our reach.'" Now in general I don't think God is that interested in speaking to me, but I thought I can't ignore this! I waited for the train to come to our stop. We both began to gather our things and I reached out my hand to him. He took it, and I said, "Have a good day. May God bless you and keep you. I'm sorry, but I'm a shy person." He looked at me and said, "That's okay," and he handed me a card for an evangelical gathering. I didn't go, but I'm glad I reached out. I owe that in part to the priest's words. I sent this story to the priest I heard on Day One, and she responded, “Thank you so very much for sharing your blessing story with me. I treasure it but what I especially love is the realizations that you had that 1. God is very interested in speaking to you and that 2. you have a story to tell, just as we all have a story to share. I will be sharing your story with my congregation and your quotes from Walker and Arnold. The circle keeps expanding.” Maybe I'll be able to pray for that waitperson after all. |
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Falling to My Knees
Wilderness: Empty of human influence; lacking shelter for protection; no guideposts to show the way. For thirty years I traveled in a spiritual wilderness without God’s grace, or so I thought.
was baptized Episcopalian and raised in a non-doctrinal church in a rural area
just north of Seattle. I decided when I was in high school that I wanted to be
some sort of minister, but I realized that I had no idea what faith I belonged
to. By the time I graduated, I no longer went to church on Sunday. I found
myself in a spiritual wilderness—either agnostic or atheist, but unwilling to
college, I struggled to become an actor, but found little work on the West Coast.
I decided to head east, and I took a cross-country bus to New York City. From
Salt Lake City to Chicago, the only folks on the bus were a half dozen of us in
our twenties. We rode through what looked like mostly empty land with few
features, all journeying to new lives in new places. Upon arrival in New York
four days later, a generous friend helped me get established by finding me a
place to live and a job to pay the rent. I don’t know if I could have made the
transition without her help.
time in the spiritual wilderness was spent moving from place to place. I valued
the people I met more than any of the few possessions I acquired. But then I
found myself spending lunch hours just sitting in St. Thomas Episcopal Church
in Manhattan. Not praying, not even quite realizing why I was there, just
needing a break from the City buzz and finding comfort in the beautiful reredos
filled with white figures stacked from the floor up and around the blue stained
glass windows to the ceiling.
life had been shaken by deaths and depression. I realized that I was trying to
reestablish a relationship with God. But I didn’t know quite how to go about
it. I needed guidance in leaving my spiritual wilderness.
first source for help was Kathleen Norris’ Dakota, in which she
suggested that people in search of a spiritual home should look to their roots.
I decided my roots were in the Episcopal Church. I began attending noonday mass
at St. Mary the Virgin, a couple of blocks from my office. But I was a stranger
among strangers. I needed someone to talk to, to figure out if I was making
some sort of progress or walking in circles through desert wastes.
few years later I found that person—two persons actually. By this point I was
working for a Catholic lay missionary organization (Maryknoll Lay Missioners), and I became good friends
with two missioners who had returned from Mexico and were working on staff.
They were a married couple named Jean and Joe. They had spent their lives in
mission helping those in need and living in a way that reflected their
Christian faith. They returned from Latin America after Joe had been diagnosed
with a brain tumor. Joe’s belief in spiritual wholeness led him to strive for
wellness within his cancerous wilderness in a way consistent with his faith. His
cancer was in remission for years.
I wandered out of my spiritual wilderness, both Joe and Jean served as my
guides, even if this relationship was never openly defined as such. Joe and I
had lunch together about once a week, and our conversations covered all manner
of spiritual and moral questions.
was my companion on many excursions as I defined what my role as a newly reborn
Christian was to be. I wanted to be more than a go-to-church-on-Sunday type of
Christian. I wanted to live my faith every day in all my encounters with
others. When I discovered the Episcopal Diocese of New York had a two-day
anti-racism training for clergy and church leaders, Jean accompanied me, even
though she was Catholic. We continued to share an interest in the work after I
became involved with the Diocesan committee on anti-racism.
in small ways, they demonstrated Christian hospitality to me. I used to walk past
their home every day up a steep hill on the way to work. One morning I was
making my way through a snowy climb when I heard the voices of their daughters
Hannah and Maria calling my name. They told me the office was closed because of
the weather and invited me in. Jean was waiting for me with a cup of tea to
warm me up for the trip back home.
Joe’s cancer returned and he passed away, their wisdom and grace continued to
inspire me. Jean spoke at the funeral ceremony of their wedding day. Joe pulled
her aside and said, “Pay attention. This will all be over in the blink of an
eye.” At the time, she thought he was speaking about the wedding; now she felt
it was about their life together. I remembered a day when I saw him standing
among trees whose leaves were blazing with fall color. He seemed so overwhelmed
with awe; I thought he would fall to his knees.
has since become a United Church of Christ minister. I was honored to be asked
to her ordination, which was filled with testimonies to her spirituality and
Christian behavior.
Jean no longer works with me and our interactions are fewer now than I would
like, I still feel close to her, and she remains a guide to me even now. I
still hear Joe’s voice giving me wise advice as I face moral choices. I have
never known anyone whose lives were so marked by the joy of their beliefs. I
have learned that I will remain in the wilderness until God calls me to his
arms. Jean and Joe taught me that my job until then is to find the beauty
hidden in the desolation.
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Life-Changing Encounters
I recently visited upstairs at Walsh, the building I work at currently. My office used to be on the second floor, but a few y...
One of my favorite podcasts is Faith to Go, put together by some Episcopal priests in the Diocese of San Diego. Each week they look at the ...
I recently visited upstairs at Walsh, the building I work at currently. My office used to be on the second floor, but a few y...